Personal contact data collected in this form will not be published nor used for any other purposes but for answering your requests.
Our privacy regulations can be viewed here.
If you send newsletters to e-mail addresses collected by this web contact form using various applications it is a good idea to ask for consent in this way:
A user ticks a check box.
I agree that my data are stored and can be occasionally used in order to send newsletters and other promotional e-mails. I understand that I can be deleted at any time from e-mail list on my personal request, demand access to my data and, at request, edit or permanently remove them from your data base.
Hygiene 4 You pay considerable attention to your privacy. Hygiene 4 You has fully implemented GDPR, the European Union law. We kindly ask you to read carefully the privacy regulations in order to learn how we collect, process and store your provided data using contact form on our web pages. We collect various kinds of data, including information which identifies you as a person (personal data). More detailed explanation is to follow.
When you use our web page we collect only data which you have decided to share with us. For instance, in the form „contact us“ you have shared your data with us. We can also collect data regarding your access device and IP address which you have used to access our web pages.
For more information on this part please view below section „Cookies“ and other tracking technologies. When you use above referred forms we collect data directly from you, like your name, e-mail address and phone number in order to provide you with requested service.
When you share your data with us we can use given data to answer your request in time, for instance, request about our services or „contact us“ form. We also use data when administrating or improving our web page, when analyzing web page in order to follow the marketing or popularity of some contents of a web page.
When you use our services we are entitled to use your data:
For instance, when you send an inquiry through our contact form Hygiene 4 You collects received data to proceed with communication with purpose of commercial cooperation.
We do not let nor sell your personal data to a third party. We do not share to any third party any single personal data of our clients. Our employees are not entitled to use any personal data collected with purpose of collaboration between our clients and Hygiene 4 You.
Hygiene 4 You protect personal data from unauthorized utilization and access. Hygiene 4 You uses organizational, technical and physical security measures in order to protect collected data.
Information from the cookies helps us to learn in what way our users use our web page in order to improve the quality of content in relation to users and perception of browsing.
Optional cookies include Google Analytics cookies (they follow number of views on web page and analyze the success of web page which are available to Hygiene 4 You like statistical data without any personal data of individual users) and cookies from social networks (as Facebook) which allow users to share particular content through their own accounts on social networks.
On your first visit of the web page an inscription which informs you on existence of cookies will appear and will ask your consent to accept them.
When you proceed with browsing the page you accept using cookies.
Web page users can always independently regulate (enable/disable) receiving cookies with settings of their web browsers. Please note that if you disable cookies it can affect functionality and your interaction with the web page. We exclude any responsibility for any kind of mal function or loss of quality on your web page in all possible cases when users regulate the acceptance of cookies.
Additional information on configuration the settings of web browsers for cookies can be viewed on following links:
When using these pages it is considered that users are at any time familiar and compliant with terms of utilization including regulations on processing and protection of personal data and possibilities with cookies.
You are entitled to decide not to share required data with us. Have in mind that some data are necessary in order to get feedback on required products and services as well as an answer to your inquiry through the form „Contact us“.
When you want to view and update your personal data in order to check their authenticity please contact Hygiene 4 You will do its best in order to provide you with required data within the period of 30 days from your request and, if necessary, update, change or delete completely your data. In case we are not able to respect your inquiry within a period of 30 days due to a particular reason you will be noticed when the data will be presented for your view. Although it is very unlikely, in case we are not able to share your required personal data with you, you will be noticed what the particular reason is we are not able do accomplish a required view.
If you have any other further questions or possible objection regarding protection of your personal data please contact us on Each question or objection regarding privacy will be notified and investigated and the results of investigation will be provided. If the objection is considered to be justified we will take all necessary measures.
This page uses cookies in order to provide better user experience, functionality and overview of marketing services. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser. More on this can be viewed here. To proceed with using this web page please click on I agree.
Link view here takes you again to Privacy regulations